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Title:      An Historical Collection of the Several Voyages and Discoveries
            in the South Pacific Ocean
Author:     Alexander Dalrymple
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Volume 1 / 2

A Facsimile of a chapter from:
Containing the DUTCH VOYAGES.

{Page 65}


This very curious and important voyage has been published in different languages, but the most circumstantial relation is that of VALENTYN;[1] his relation does not appear ever to have been translated from the Dutch, though many abridged accounts of TASMAN'S voyage have been published in French as well as in English. VALENTYN having married into the family of the secretary of BATAVIA, is supposed by that means to have had access to TASMAN'S original Journal. The charts inserted in VALENTYN have not been published by any of the editors of TASMAN'S voyage; DE HONDT'S collection contains some, but not all the views. I have used VALENTYN as the text, but have collated his relation with DE HONDT'S collection, the editor whereof says he was in possession of the MS journal; with THEVENOT; with the English translation from DIRK REMBRANDT, published with sir JOHN NARBOROUGH'S Voyage, etc. 8vo. LONDON, 1711; with that in Dr.

[1) Omstanding Verhaal van de Geschiedenissen en Zaaken, etc. Door Francois Valentyn, folio, Dort and Amsterdam 1726. Vol. 3. Banda. P. 47.]

{Page 66}

HOOK'S Philosophical Collections, 4to. LONDON, 1682, and also with CAMPBELL'S Collection[1].

TASMAN sailed from BATAVIA on the 14th of August 1642, with two vessels belonging to the Dutch East-India company, the ship HEEMSKIRK and the ZEE-HAAN pink; he went first to MAURITIUS, the south end whereof lies in 20°. 20' S latitude, and in 78°. 47' longitude; by which he found that it lay 50 miles more to the eastward than their reckoning, which makes 3°. 33' in longitude[2].

On the 8th October TASMAN left MAURITIUS; from that time to the 22d he went S, to 40°. or 41°. S latitude[3]; finding the variation to be 23°. 24°. and 25°. W.

From thence, to the 29th, he steered between S and E[4] to the latitude of 45°. 47' S and 89°. 44' longitude, and found the variation here to be 26°. 45' W[5].

On the 6th November stormy weather, with hail and snow, and extremely cold, the latitude 46°. S[6], longitude 114°. 56'; the snow and hail continued till the 17th.

On the 8th, in 49°. 4' S, 114°. 56' long. the variation was 26°. W, the weather hazy and squally, with a hollow

D.H. denotes De Hondt's Collection. Hague, 4to. 1749. (N.B. I have not access to a copy of De Hondt at present, but believe this is the date.)
T. Thevenot. Paris, folio, 1663.
N. Narborough's Voyage. London, 8vo. 1711.
H. Hook's Philosophical Collections. Ditto, 4to. 1682.
C. Campbell's Navig. and Itiner. Biblioth. London, folio, 1744.]
[2) Campbell says he arrived at Mauritius 5th of September, but the period from the 14th August seems too short for the passage from Batavia; Valentyn does not mention the day of his arrival at Mauritius; they all agree that he departed from thence 8th October.]
[3) "Having a strong N W wind.C.]
[4) "S E. T. "East, a little southerly. C.]
[5) "26°. 45' E. T. Obviously an error, E for W.]
[6) Valentyn says, "6th the latitude by account was 49°. 4' S, longitude 114°. 56';but on the 8th he mentions the same latitude and longitude: De Hondt says the original journal, in his possession, gives the latitude 46°. S. which I have adopted.]

{Page 67}

sea, from S W and S, so that no land was to be expected upon three points of the compass in that quarter.

On the 15th, in 44°. 14' S, by account 136°. 53' long. the variation was 18°. 30' W, which decreased every day in such a manner that on the 21st, in 152°. 22' longitude, it was no more than 4°[1].

On the 22d the compass kept traversing eight points, so that they imagined themselves near some magnetic mines; the latitude was 42.°. 58' S. They had a very heavy sea from the S W, so that no land was to be expected near them to the southward.

On the 24th, in 42°. 25' S. 163°. 50' long.[2] land was discovered, bearing E by N[3], ten miles distant, which TASMAN named ANTHONY VAN DIEMEN'S LAND. Here they met with much bad weather, and then stood south eastward[4], down to 44°. S, along the coast, which then runs E, and afterwards NE and N[5].

On the 1st December they anchored in 43°. 10' S, 167°. 55' long. in a bay, to which they gave the name of FREDERICK HENRY'S BAY.

On the 2d December, early in the morning, they sent the master, FRANCIS JACOBSZ, with the boat, having in it four musqueteers and six rowers, each with a pike and cutlass, together with the ZEE-HAAN'S prauw and her mates, with fix

[1) Valentyn gives no account of the voyage from the 8th to 22d; De Hondt says, "the lat. on the 15th was 44°. S, long. 136°. 53';" Thevenot, that the lat. was 44°. 3' S, long. 140°. 32'. Variation 18°. 30' E. Campbell says the lat. was 44°. 33' S. Variation 18°. 30' W. He agrees with Thevenot's longitude. Both these authors say the long. on the 21st was 158º. but I have followed De Hondt.]
[2) Lat, 42°, 11' S. long. 159°. 25'. D.H. Lat. 42°. 15' S. S.T. Lat. 42°. 25' S. long. 163° 50'.C.]
[3) E by S.D.H. From E to N ten leagues. T. ESE. C. The middle of this land in 163°. 50' long. No variation.T.]
[4) SbyE. C. SE. T.]
[5) N E by N. C.]

{Page 68}

musqueteers, into a creek or bay, which lay N W, a full Dutch mile from them, to see if they could procure any fresh water, provisions, wood, or any thing they wanted.

They returned aboard about three hours before sun-set, bringing several kinds of vegetables, of which ,they saw great abundance, not very different from some found at the CAPE of GOOD HOPE, and which proved very good pot-herbs; another sort had a saltish taste, was long, and pretty much like parsley.

The master and the others further related, that they had rowed a full Dutch mile round a certain point, where the country was high, but level, with plenty of herbage growing spontaneously, and wood in great abundance; a sloping watering place of running water, and many clear vallies likewise with good water, but very difficult to fetch, and that but a little at a time, taken out with a bowl.

They saw no human creature, but they had heard not far off human noises, and likewise musick, as of a trumpet or small gong[1].

They had likewise seen two trees, two or two fathom and a half in girt, and sixty or sixty-five feet high; the bark had been scraped off at certain distances, by way of making steps to climb up them[2]; but being full five feet from one another, they concluded them to be the work of men of an uncommon stature; and in one of the trees the steps seemed to be quite fresh, and even green, so as to have been lately made, perhaps not above three or four days.

[1) Gong is a kind of cymbal used in the eastern islands; some of them are of a great price, the best are made in the island of Java; they are of a mixed mettle, and are used instead of drums. The Chinese have flat gongs of copper, which they use for salutes, etc. but they are in no estimation amongst the islands.]
[2) To climb up to the birds-nests. C.]

{Page 69}

They had likewise perceived the traces of wild-beasts, not unlike the claws of a tyger, or some such creature, and even brought on board excrements of quadrupeds.

They further saw on the ground some, but very little, gum, which had come from those trees, resembling gum-lac. About the corner of this bay the deepest water was thirteen or fourteen feet, and the ebb and flood hereabouts only three feet: many gulls, wild-ducks, and geese. What trees they saw were but thinly sown and extremely incumbered with underwood and thick bushes: they heard the noise of the abovementioned fowls up the country, but saw none. There were several trees which seemed to have been scorched by fires having been kindled among them.

They likewise, at times, perceived smoak towards the W by N, and men of an extraordinary size had been plainly seen from the ship; a great deal of smoak was likewise seen along shore.

On the 3d, ABEL TASMAN caused a pole to be set up with the company's mark and a Dutch flag: for this purpose he took with him, to the S E side of the bay, the master, FRANCIS JACOBSZ, Schipper GERRIT JANZOON, ISAAC GILSEMANS, supercargo of the ZEE-HAAN, ABRAHAM COOMANS, the factor, and PETER JACOBSZ, the carpenter; but the surf and hard gale of wind hindering their landing, the carpenter alone, swimming ashore, performed that service, and set up the pole near four high trees[1]. The variation here was 3°. E.

On the 5th December TASMAN sailed from VAN DIEMEN'S LAND eastward, intending to continue that course from

[1) I have given Valentyn's relation of Van Diemen's Land at length, although it does not properly come within the limits prescribed, but appertains to Papua. I have not, however, inserted his chart or other plates of this country.]

{Page 70}

169°. to 195°. long. in order to find the SALOMON ISLANDS: he could no longer keep the land aboard, because the wind was contrary[1].

On the 9th December, in 42°. 37' S lat. long. 176°. 29'[2], the variation 5°. E. Some days after, very hollow seas from the S W, so that no land was to be expected southward or south westward.

On the 13th, in 42°. 10' S. 188°. 28' long.[3] he had sight of a very lofty and mountainous country to the S E, fifteen miles distant, which is now in the maps called NEW ZELAND, but TASMAN gave it the name of STAATEN LAND, from their High Mightinesses the States, and as it made a sightly appearance, he conceived it to be the southern continent, and this passage he distinguished by the name of ABEL TASMAN'S PASSAGE, as first discovered by him[4]. He found the variation here 7°. 30' E.

He coasted along this country north eastward[5], and on the 17th and 18th December came to an anchor in a bay in 40°. 50' S, 191°. 41' long. variation 9°. E.[6]

Here, in a spacious bay, three or four miles in breadth, eastward of a small sandy point, and a good mile from a certain point of land in the lat. of 40°. 49' S, long. 191°. 41', he saw men of a thick set robust make, and very rough voices, but they never came within the reach of a patterero, but several times blew an instrument which had something of the sound of a trumpet, and in answer the ZEE-HAAN'S trumpeter was ordered to blow.

[1) On the 5th December, being in 41°. 34 S. and 169°. long. T. and C.]
[2) Valentyn says, long. 167°. 29': obviously an error of the press: the others say 176°. 29'. De Hondt says the lat. was 42°. 27' S. Variation 5°. 15' E.]
[3) De Hondt says, lat. 42°. 14 S, long. 189°. 1'.]
[4) See a view of this land.]
[5) N by E. D.H. NNE. C.]
[6) Lat. 40°. 41' S, long. 192°. 25'. D.H.]

The Continent south of the rocky point

Staten Landt or the States Land south of the rocky point

{Page 71}

Their complexion was of a yellowish brown, their hair black and coarse, closely tied over the crown of their heads, after the manner of JAPAN, with a large white feather sticking upright in it; some of their cloaths resembled mats, others cotton, but the upper part of the body was quite naked.

Our people several times made signals to them, by way of inviting them aboard, holding out to them some white linen and knives, but all to no purpose, and at last they went away.

On a signal from TASMAN, the chief officers of the ZEE-HAAN came on board, when it was determined to go in-shore as near as possible, there being good anchorage, and the people appearing disposed to a friendly intercourse.

No sooner had this resolution been taken than they saw seven barks coming from the shore, one with a high sharp head and seventeen men in it, near the ZEE-HAAN, and another manned with thirteen stout fellows came a-head of TASMAN'S ship, within half a stone's throw, both calling several times to one another, in a dialect quite unintelligible to our people, not agreeing with the vocabulary given to them, which was that of the inhabitants of the SALOMON islands[1].

Here our people again waved the white linen to the Indians, as an invitation to come on board, but they continued lying on their paddles; on which the master of the ZEE-HAAN sent on board his cockswain and six hands, in a small prauw, to give notice to his mates, that if they should be for coming on board, not to let too many of them come at once, and to keep a good look out.

[1) By the vocabulary of the language spoken by the natives in the Salomon islands, Tasman probably means the language of Horne island, which Le Maire gives under this appellation.]

{Page 72}

As the ZEE-HAAN'S prauw was going on board, the prauw which was next to one of the ships waved their pangayes or paddles, and called out to the other, which lay behind the ZEE-HAAN, without our people being able all the while to comprehend their meaning.

When the ZEE-HAAN'S prauw was got at some distance, their prauws, which lay between the two ships, made at her so violently, that about half way from ABEL TASMAN'S ship they ran their beak against the ZEE-HAAN'S prauw, so as to make her heel gunnel to and take in a good deal of water, and the foremost of these villains punched the cockswain several times on the neck with a long blunt pike so that he fell overboard, and others with thick short clubs (which at first we had taken for clumsey parings[1]) and their pangayes, falling on our people, mastered the prauw. In this attack three of the ZEE-HAAN'S men lost their lives on the spot and a fourth was mortally wounded.

The cockswain and two others swam towards ABEL TASMAN'S ship, and we dispatched our boat away, which brought them safe on board; the murderers very fortunately for us left the prauw.

One of the dead they had taken in their prauw, and thrown the other into the sea; we fired very warmly at them with our great guns and small arms, but without hitting them.

6C In the mean time, IDE TJERKSZ HOLMAN, TASMAN'S skipper, went in a boat well manned and armed after the ZEEHAAN'S prauw, with which he soon returned on board, finding in it a dead man and one mortally wounded.

[1) Parangs, a kind of large chopping knife, used by the natives of the eastern islands for cutting wood, etc.]

View of ABEL TASMAN'S BAY on NEW ZEALAND in 33 fathoms water

{Page 73}

We have given a very neat plate of one of there murderers barks, together with its villainous crew, and also a view of the country.

In commemoration of this melancholy event, TASMAN called it MURDERERS BAY, and seeing no good was to be expected here, he sailed away; but soon after, twenty-two barks came towards him from the shore, on which he fired several times at them, but to no effect; the ZEE-HAAN hit one who had a small white flag in his hand, so that he fell down, on which they all made the best of their way to land: two of their barks had sails, like those of a Tingang. In this bay they had anchored in 40°. 50' S.

Hence he again steered E N E, where on all sides he saw land of a very good and fertile appearance, but had so much bad weather and westerly winds, that it was with no small difficulty he got clear of it[1].

On the 26th December he again steered N, a little inclining to the W.

On the 14th January 1643 he came to the lat. of 34°. 35' S, and 191° 09' long. where, near the N W point of the land, they met with a very strong current, which drove them westward, and very hollow seas from the N E, from whence he

[1) The account in Campbell, etc. is considerably different from this of Valentyn, but I have no hesitation to prefer Valentyn's relation.

Campbell says, "this country appeared rich, fertile, and very well situated.

"On the 24th, the wind not permitting to continue the course to the N, as they were uncertain whether any passage was to be found that way, and as the flood came in from the S E, it was concluded to be best to return into the bay, and seek some other way out; but,

On the 26th, the wind becoming more favourable, he continued his route to the N, turning a little to the W." C.

Valentyn says not a word of the flood coming in from the S E, though that would be an argument against Tasman's opinion, that New Zealand was the Continent.]

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concluded that there must be an open sea in that quarter, and that here likewise he should find a passage.

Here he saw another island, which he called THREE KINGS ISLAND[1], in 34°. 25' S lat. and 190º. 40' long. where his people going ashore to refresh themselves, met with fresh water, and discovered between thirty and forty men of an uncommon stature, as they appeared unto them, being at no small distance; they were armed with sticks and clubs, and, besides calling out to them in a very rough voice without their understanding any thing of it, came up towards them very hastily, taking prodigious large steps. This island is represented in the plate.

In rowing round the island they saw some people, and particularly a man of a very large size, with something of a staff or pike; very little cultivated land, only near a stream, where our people thought of fetching water, but could not get to it. Here were a great number of square inclosures, whose verdure made so delightful an appearance that it brought to their minds some recollection of their own country; but the herbage they could not particularly distinguish; they likewise saw two prauws which had been hauled up above high water mark. Hereupon TASMAN determined to run eastward to 220°. long., then northward into 17°. S lat. and after that, westward again, to the islands of Cocos and HOORN (which were discovered by SCHOUTEN), for a supply of provisions[2].

On the 6th January, at noon, they saw the island about three miles to the southward.

[1) Because they approached it on that festival. D.H.]
[2) In case they found no opportunity of doing it before; for although they had actually landed on Van Diemen's Land, they met with nothing there, and as for New Zealand they never set foot on it, on account of the weather. D.H.]

Three King's Island in 40 fathoms on the N.W. Side

{Page 75}

On the 8th January he came into 32°. 25' S lat. and 192°. 20' long. the variation 9°. E, with heavy seas from the S E, a sure sign of no continent that way. There was a navigable sea, which afforded a very easy passage from BATAVIA, to CHILI, without any visible impediment[1].

On the 19th January, being in 22°. 35' S, and 204°. 15' long. (the variation 7°. 30' E) he had sight of an island about two or three miles in circumference, high, steep, and barren, which he called HIGH PYLSTAART'S (or wild ducks) ISLAND, from the great number which he saw here[2]. He was for going nearer to it, but gales from the S E and S S E hindered him.

The next day discovering two other islands.

On the 21st he reached the northernmost which lay in 21°. 20' S, and 205°. 29' long. the variation 7°. 15' E; this was not high land. To one he gave the name of AMSTERDAM and to the other that of MIDDLEBURG. A distant view of both is here represented. The inhabitants of the former brought him hogs, poultry, and fruits; were very courteous, yet seemed something light-fingered, though in other respects without any ill intention, and they had not a single weapon about them.

These two islands bear N E and S W from one another; that to the southward was the highest, the northernmost being flattish, almost like HOLLAND. At noon a prauw came alongside, with three tawny men, of a stature something above the common, one with his hair cropt, the other two wearing it long; they had only a small covering over their privities.

[1) On the 8th, lat. 30°. 25' S. (32° 10' S. long. 193°. 34'. D.H.) On the 12th January, lat. 30°. 5' S, long. 195°. 27' E (lat. 29°. 50' S, long. 196°. 10'. D.H.) The variation was 9°. 30'E. A rolling sea from S E and S W.

On the 16th January, lat. 26°. 29' S. long. 199°. 32'E (lat. 26°. 8' S, long. 200°. 28'. D.H.) The variation was 8°.E. C.]
[2) A view of it is here given.]

{Page 76}

Their prauw was narrow, but with a deck fore and aft, and their paddles of the common length, but the blades with which they paddled broad in the middle.

Having shewn a piece of linen to them, we tossed it overboard, at which one of them dived and remained a long time under water, but brought it up, and when he was got into the prauw, moved it several times over his head, by way of thanks.

Afterwards, on their prauw's coming nearer to us, we threw them a bit of wood, with two large nails tied to it, and handed to them a small Chinese looking-glass, together with a chain of Chinese beads, which they took hold of by means of a long pole, and in return tied to it tome of their fishing hooks, which were made of a kind of mother of pearl.

Some of them laid the beads, the looking-glass, and the chain above their heads, and he in the middle tied the nails about his neck.

We handed another looking-glass to the islanders in which they could see, the first being covered with a thin sort of board which could be drawn out; this they likewise very thankfully laid to their heads.

We also shewed to them a cocoa-nut and a fowl, and from the vocabulary[1] asked the Indians about water, hogs, etc. but neither understood one another; however, they pointed towards the shore, as if they would go and bring something, and accordingly paddled away.

In the afternoon our people saw a considerable number of men running along the shore, with little white flags, which ours took for ensigns of peace, and answered them with hoisting a white ensign; on which came on board, in a prauw,

[1) Vocabulary, undoubtedly that in Schouten.]

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four stout fellows, with their bodies painted black, from the navel to the thighs, and their neck decorated with leaves hanging down from it: they brought with them a sort of garment made of rind of trees, and likewise a small white flag, which they placed in the prow of our boat. One of the prauw's wings being embellished with variety of shells and other marine productions, our people conceived it to belong to the king or chief of the country, and presented him with a Chinese looking-glass, a knife, some dongaree or calico, and some nails.

Our people, the better to please them, drank a glass of wine to them, then gave them a rummer full, which they emptied, and carried the rummer away with them.

Soon after came a great number of prauws, some of which brought ten or twelve cocoa-nuts, for which our people bartered nails; some even swam off to the ship with cocoa-nuts.

Afterwards an aged man came on board, who, amidst all the reverence paid him by the others, saluted our people, bowing down his head to his very feet; and we were not wanting to return the compliment, making him, besides, a present of several trinkets.

Some, however, at going away betrayed a thievish disposition, and towards evening not less than twenty prauws came about TASMAN'S ship, making a great outcry of wor, wor, wor, and brought on board a hog, with some cocoa-nuts and yams, for which we gave them a wooden dish and some copper wire, and afterwards exchanged beads and nails for some cocoa-nuts, plantains, and yams.

On its growing dark they all went away, except one, who staid aboard all night.

On the 22d January several men and women, young and old, came on board with all kinds of provisions.

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The oldest of the women wanted the little finger of both hands, which was not the case of the younger, and our people could not come at the cause of this mutilation.

On the same day came again on board the abovementioned old man, with some presents, which we returned with a satin gown, a shirt, and a hat; at noon we had along-side thirty-two small prauws, and a large one with a sail (as in LE MAIRE'S journal), and several men and women, who brought refreshments and some unknown vegetables, likewise a garment made of rind.

To the chief of eighteen robust men and their wives, TASMAN made a present of a pair of breeches and a shirt, with which, on putting them on, he fancied himself wonderfully fine.

Among these was a very large man, having a St. Thomas's arm, and a woman with something of a natural beard.

Our trumpeter and fiddler played several tunes, at which they expressed great surprize. The old man having, by signs, given them to understand that they might have water for fetching, thereupon TASMAN sent his and the ZEE-HAAN'S boat for that purpose.

In each long-boat went a mate, and with them skipper JDE TJERKZOON HOLMAN, and merchant GILSEMANS in the barge; all our people were likewise well armed; though by the friendliness of the natives this precaution seemed unnecessary.

After rowing a pretty way, our people came to the N E side of the island, where at length they met with three little ponds, out of which they were obliged to take up the water with cocoa-nut shells; but, what was still worse, it proved not worth taking up.

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On this the islanders conducted our people farther up the country, and indeed to a most pleasant place, where they seated them under a very sightly Belay, on mats of a very delicate texture, and variety of beautiful colours, treating them with two cocoa-nuts, one for the chief, and one for our skipper.

In the evening our people returned on board with a hog, and an account that no water was to be had; they however made so good a day's work of it, as to get forty pigs, seventy fowls, and vegetables in abundance, for a few nails, a little fail-cloth, etc.

Smoaking tobacco is not known here: the women from the waist to the knees wear a covering of matted leaves, but all the other parts of the body are naked, and their hair shorter than that of the men. The latter have a beard three or four fingers broad, with whiskers, carefully kept under a quarter of an inch in length. There being likewise no appearance of weapons among these people, ours were the less apprehensive of any disturbance.

The day following, going ashore to dig for water, we met with much better entertainment, excellent fish, milk, etc. and in every respect their whole behaviour was very courteous. and friendly.

They asked us from whence we came, and whither we were going? And on our saying that we had already been a hundred days at lea, they could not sufficiently express their astonishment: this is a manifest proof that they thoroughly understood one another[1].

[1) Most probably by means of a Malayan, or other interpreter. Valentyn.--This seems a very improbable conjecture, for Tasman had just before said they could not understand any of the words in the Vocabulary, and therefore no probability that they understood each other any way but by signs.]

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Our people farther bartered with the islanders for a considerable quantity of pigs and fowls; but in the afternoon, the ground being steep, the trade wind drove them out to sea, but at night got safe again into convenient anchorage.

In order to give a still more clear idea of the island of AMSTERDAM, and every thing remarkable thereabouts, we have exhibited a nearer view of it in two plates, with alphabetical references, as following:

A. Our ships at anchor in VAN DIEMEN'S ROAD.
B. Little prauws belonging to the king of this country.
C. A sailing vessel of two prauws, joined together by one deck.
D. A fishing prauw.
E. How they swam on board with cocoa-nuts.
F. The point where the king lives.
G. Our boats watering.
H. The place where they came to meet our people with flags of peace.
I. The place where our people kept guard with arms.
K. The king's Baylae, in a pagger, where he received our officers.
L. Washing place for the king and his nobles.
M. Their barks at anchor.
N. Manner of setting and standing with their cloathing.
0. Bay where the king lives and his yacht lies, by TASMAN called MARIA BAY, in compliment to Mrs. VAN DIEMEN.

The beautiful draught of these islands, and of the other things represented in it, very well deserves being inserted.

Whilst they anchored here, they also discovered two high but very small islands, not above a mile or a mile and a half in circumference; about seven or eight miles to the N by W,

{Page 81}

likewise another, but something large and low, E N E; and Eastward three others, very small; besides two more S E, all very low.

The current here was not strong, the ebb ran N E and the flood S W; it flowed seven or eight feet perpendicular, and a S W moon made high water. The wind keeping continually S E and S S E, the HEEMSKIRK yacht drove off from this island without being able to water.

On the 25th January he came into 20°. 15' S lat. and 206°. 19' long. the variation 6°. 20'; here he likewise saw several small islands, as UITARDAM and NAMOKOKI, and came to ROTTERDAM ISLAND, which is set down in the map, and where, as before, he found the people very courteous and friendly, yet very much given to pilfering. Besides abundance of cocoa-nut trees in this island, he saw several gardens very neatly laid out, with plenty of all kinds of vegetables, and it was regularly planted with delightful walks of fruit-trees; here they also met with a reservoir of fresh water, not less than half a mile in circumference, and full nine feet above the sea.

There is no landing here but at high water, the shore being eight feet perpendicular.

In the above-mentioned reservoir were large flights of wild-ducks, which were not so shy as usual.

The natives came on board with cocoa-nuts and calabashes of fresh water, with other fruits and pigs, but of the last not many.

Some of their prauws were rigged for sailing. In cloathing, shape, and deportment, they were like those of the former island, only the men's hair, in general, was not so long and thick, and the women were pretty much of the fame stature and as stout limbed as the men.

The name of this island, among the natives, is ANNAMOKKA, but our people called it ROTTERDAM ISLAND.

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A view of it, and the other more distant islands near it, together with its inhabitants, is here represented, with the following alphabetical references.

A. Our ships lying Off ANNAMOKKA.
B. Sandy bay, from whence they came on board in their prauws.
C. Bay where our people watered.
D. Reservoir near the sea, on the north side of the island.
E. Sailing prauw coming with vegetables from the other islands.
F. Place where our boats lay when they went for water.
G. Appearance and cloathing of the inhabitants of the island at their coming aboard.

On the 26th ditto they fetched two boat-loads of water for each ship, and bartered for a plentiful, recruit of vegetables, etc. here likewise it was found that these islanders only wanted opportunity to lay their hands on what did not belong to them.

Our people being plentifully supplied with water and other necessaries, and being resolved to be on their guard and keep a watchful eye, some of the officers went ashore to take leave of the king, which gave them an opportunity of seeing their elegant plantations.

All being now over, on the 1st of February, 1643, they weighed anchor, and shaped their course northward, which brought them in sight of some islands taken notice of in the map; their purpose was first to run up to 17°. S lat. and then to proceed further westward, to avoid passing by TRAITORS and HORN islands; and accordingly they set sail with a breeze at SE and ESE.

On the 6th February, in the lat. of 170. 19' S and 201°. 35' long. they law eighteen or twenty small islands, surrounded with rocks, lands, and banks, and in the map they

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are distinguished. by the names of PRINCE WILLIAM'S ISLANDS and HEEMSKIRK'S BANKS.

Two days after, in lat. 15°. 29' S and 199°. 31' long. they met with heavy rain and hard gales of wind from the N E and N N E, and hazy dark weather, on which he determined to steer N and N E to 5°. or 6°. and then westward to NEW GUINEA[1].

On the 2d March he was in 9°. 11' S lat. and in 192°. 46' long. The variation 10°. E[2]. And.

On the 14th March in 10°. 12' S lat. and 186°. 14' long. The variation precisely 8° 45'; without having been able for twelve days successively to take an observation, the weather being so thick and rainy[3].

On the 22d, in 5°. S lat. and 178°. 32' long. an easterly trade wind brought him in sight of land five miles to the westward, and discovered it to be twenty-two small islands which LE MAIRE has set down in the map, they are called ONTONG-JAVA, and lie about ninety miles[4] from NEW GUINEA.

Three days after, he came to MARKEN'S ISLANDS, which are about fourteen or fifteen at least, the inhabitants very savage, with only a slight covering over their privities; their hair black, and tied up; in short, differing little or nothing from the wretches in MURDERER'S BAY.

[1) On the 14th February they were in 16°. 30' S, long. 193°. 35, having hitherto had much rain and bad weather, but this day the wind abated. C.

They hailed the Zee-Haan, and found their reckonings agree. N.

On the 20th, lat. 13°. 45' S, long. 193°. 35'; they had dark cloudy weather, much rain, thick fogs, and a rolling sea from every way; the wind on all fides variable.

On the 26th, in 9°. 48' S, long. 193°. 43', they had a N W wind (wind constantly NW-N), having every day, for the space of twenty-one days, rained more or less. C.]
[2) Wind and weather still variable, 9°11' S, long. 192°. 46.

On the 8th they made 7°. 46' S, long. 190°. 47', and still had variable winds. C.]
[3) On the 20th March, lat. 5°. 15' S, long. 181°. 16'; the weather being fair they found the variation 9°. E. C.]
[4) Ninety-four miles. D.H.]

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The natives wear thin hair, cut short, and bound- up in the manner of the above villains. One of them had two feathers sticking upright on the crown of his head, like a pair of horns; others wore rings through their nostrils: their prauw had a leeboard and a sharp head, yet was by no means a master-piece of neat workmanship: they used bows and arrows, and as for our nails and beads made little account of them.

Here our people were near being driven on a large land, but very providentially a gale at south cleared them of the imminent danger[1].

On the 26th March, in 4°. 33' S lat. and 174°. 30' long. they fell in with a very strong current, Variation 9°. 30' E.

On the 29th March he came to the GREEN ISLANDS.

On the 30th they saw St. JOHN'S ISLAND, and

On the 1st April[2], NEW GUINEA, at the point of land called by the Spaniards CABO ST. MARIA, or C. ST. MARY, in 4°. 30' lat. and 171° 2' long."

The land which TASMAN here calls NEW GUINEA, is NEW BRITAIN; he coasted this land and NEW GUINEA, the western point whereof he past on the 18th of May, and from thence continued his course by SERAM, BOURO, and BOETON, for BATAVIA, where he arrived on the 15th June, having accomplished this expedition in ten months.

THORNTON'S chart describes TASMAN'S track, after passing the west point of NEW GUINEA, to have been eastward to the False Cape, and thence along the coasts of CARPENTARIA, etc. but although the names in the bottom of that bay indicate the discovery to have been made about this period, I think it is very obvious that it could not have been done by TASMAN in this voyage.

[1) On the 25th March, lat. 4º. 35' S, long. 175°. 10'. The variation was 9°. 30' E. C.]
[2) Lat. 4°. 5' S, long. 175°. 48'. D.H. ]


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